Naš jezik: Digital Learning Resource for Elementary Bosnian, Croatian, and Serbian is an open educational resource for online, hybrid, and in-person instruction of all three language standards within a single classroom. It includes a digital textbook and an accompanying website that help students learn to speak and write in the variant of their choice, but easily comprehend the other two, thereby allowing them to navigate the linguistic landscape just as a native speaker would.
View of the Latin Bridge in Sarajevo – Bosnia and Herzegovina Old town of Rovinj, Croatia. View at the river Sava in Belgrade, Serbia
The curriculum is intended for beginners seeking to develop A2-level proficiency and communicate in everyday situations. It is built with group classes in mind, but can be used by independent learners or one-on-one tutors as well. More information on the content and purpose of the materials can be found on the About page.
The Naš jezik digital textbook was made possible by the generous support of the Columbia University Language Resource Center, through three consecutive Instructional Innovation Grants awarded from 2018 to 2020. The accompanying online workbook was funded by the same grant in 2020/2021. All materials may be used for educational and other non-commercial purposes, on the condition of following the terms of the Creative Commons BY-NC-SA license.
Project supervisor: Aleksandar Bošković
Curriculum development and learning materials: Milica Iličić
Editing and proofreading: Sandra Zlotrg
Textbook graphic design: Ivana Adamović, Ivana Radovanović
Images and photography: Freepic Creative Commons; Unsplash Creative Commons; Ilija Iličić
Audio recordings: Selma Asotić, Đivo Đurović, Biljana Milanović, Sandra Zlotrg
Implementation feedback: Predrag Obućina, Alexey Pekov
Special thanks to: Danilo Bajić, Aleksandar Kesić, Lana Radnić, Vera Radnić
Language Resource Center, Columbia University